people, they will always live in the embrace of the chinese mother. now, we must cherish life, each day has become full, at the same blue sky, to share the life of color. under the same belief, common to enjoy the warmth of the sun. sichuan, we will always keep in mind you, and you will always pray for the chinese people together! 中文: 发言稿 2008年5月12日14时28分04秒,8级强震猝然袭来,大地颤抖,山河移位,满目疮痍,生离死别……西南处,国有殇。这是新中国成立以来破坏性最强、波及范围最大的一次地震。地震重创约50万平方公里的中国大地! 这一天,必定会在13亿炎黄子孙心中留下刻骨铭心的记忆,必将在华夏民族的史册中书写下令人难忘的一笔。无数个鲜活的生命顷刻间离开人世,无数个美好的家园刹那间成为废墟。在这一天,我们深刻的感受到了生命的美好与现实的残酷之间的落差。 在废墟下,我们曾看到一双双渴望生