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a new friend(翻译)

arn!” said bird. “she is all by herself.”     鸟很惊讶。“一只小猫在谷仓的房顶上!”鸟说,“她独独一个儿站在那儿。”     “oh,my!” said cow. “that kitten needs some help. please tell her we will help.”     kitten jumped onto dog’s back and joined the animals in the yard.     “噢,我的天哪!”奶牛说。“那只小猫需要帮助。请告诉她我们会帮她的。”     小猫跳到了狗的背上,加入了院子里动物们的队伍。     “there is always room for a new friend,” they said to kitten.     “thank you for being so nice,” kitten purred.     “总有一个位置是留给新朋友的。”大伙对小猫说。     “谢谢你们,你们真好!”小猫呼噜叫了一声。  

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