ale voice, who sings well, just talking about the train, plum will not know where to go out and said : "of course, my boy sing well!" my son and was at her to go. well, this 娃子 for a boy is, she saw us. the plum, stretched out two hands, ready to us, "boy had not my house?" well, "of course is yours, who don't know! "i withdraw that remark, if he were, the world is only she and martial arts… of… has oriental god of 昌珉, not to say that, or 李子home!
plums like one hundred degrees of the zodiac, but in our class in addition, she was no love for the 100 degrees, the plums that : "the world's not fair, with the fight for what no one will get in?" i might have written this because i don't know how the pipe is a matter … …
李子love see signs of