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during shore

swim to the shore. but only a dim shore of dream, can't see, even see the shore, and became the shore. for many years, i've been standing on the shore is removed, but i never came and pitched.  
  at the same day every day, the same sinking moon, the four seasons, my heart also lived in the joys and sorrows of my between seasons.  
  since that's what like straight from the last century in the l930s phonograph drifting in the four seasons, then, that the sky and calmly. melodious even in the sky, burning fires burn the creek, burned all visible fields. four seasons is adjustable music, music is exciting.  
  see the sky, see, see that no river, as i had no the youth. the heart is a pain to spread out the trend, won't go out. but in my heart, it is lived out the living, feel re

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