to rub the closet. but it was not. i’ve rubbed the purple side. now it’s time for the hardest job of all, the white part.
i looked at all the white part. it is really dirty. “whew! this is much, much harder than i thought.” i said to myself in a small voice.
ok, well. start to work. then, i rub a little bit of the closet. it was white as snow again.
“grandma, come quick!” i shouted. “look at this part i had rubbed it, it is white as snow again!”
“yes, it is white as snow.” said grandma. then, she go back to rub the doors.
so i have to rub the closet all by myself. well, ok. back to work. i rub it with all my might. because some dirty things are hard to get off. i rubbed and rubbed and rubbed and rubbed. for a long time.
finally, i’ve rubbed t
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值得我尊敬的人 梦中的宣判 居里夫人——梅花香自苦寒来 小小的我 尘荒往事 rub the closet 新年新希望 夜游西湖 我喜欢绘画 残玫瑰 |
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