“我要吃红色的食物!”本说。 “what are you going to eat ben?” said dad. “ketchup,” said ben. “and tomatoes and umm…” he couldn’t think of anything else. “本,你想吃什么?”爸爸问。 “番茄酱,”本说,“还有西红柿和…嗯…”他想不起来其它红色的食物了。 “my favourite colour is blue,” said mum. “what could we eat for blue day?” no one could think of any blue food at all! “我喜欢蓝色,”妈妈说,“我们在蓝色的日子里吃什么食物呢?” 没有人能想起任何蓝色的食物。 but when it was suppertime, there were plenty of red things for ben. red tomatoes, red ketcup, red peppers, red beans, red juice to drink. 该吃晚饭了,有丰富的红色食物给本吃。 红色的西红柿、红色的番茄酱、红色的辣椒、红色的豆子和红色果汁。 ben ate it all up, even the red beans. 本吃光了,就连红豆也吃完了。 charlie had yellow cheese, yellow pineapple, yellow chips, yellow sweetcorn, yellow juice. charlie ate it all up. 查理有黄色的奶酪、黄色的菠萝、黄色的薯条、黄色