want to sum up, you might say:
"well, we've looked at the three continents europe, asia and africa. i'd like to sum up now."
and when you finish summing up and want to give your recommendations, you might say:
"what does all this mean for us? well, firstly i recommend..."
the table below lists useful expressions that you can use to signpost the various parts of your presentation.
function language introducing the subject
i'd like to start by...
let's begin by...
first of all, i'll...
starting with...
i'll begin by...
finishing one subject...
well, i've told you about...
that's all i have to say about...
we've looked at...
so much for...
...and starting another
now we'll move on to...
let me turn now to...
turning to...
i'd like now to discuss...
let's look now at...
analysing a point and giving recommendations
where does that lead us?
let's consider this in more detail...
what does this mean for abc?
translated into real terms...
giving an example
for example,...
a good example of this is...
as an illustration,...
to give you an example,...
to illustrate this point...
dealing with questions
we'll be examining this point in more detail lat