audience reaction
remain calm and polite if you receive difficult or even hostile questions during your presentation. if you receive particularly awkward questions, you might suggest that the questioners ask their questions after your presentation.
say what you are going to say,
simplicity and clarity
if you want your audience to understand your message, your language must be simple and clear.
use short words and short sentences.
do not use jargon, unless you are certain that your audience understands it.
in general, talk about concrete facts rather than abstract ideas.
use active verbs instead of passive verbs. active verbs are much easier to understand. they are much more powerful. consider these two sentences, which say the same thing:
toyota sold two million cars last year.
two million cars were sold by toyota last year.
which is easier to understand? which is more immediate? which is more powerful? n°1 is active and n°2 is passive.
when you drive on the roads, you know where you are on those roads. each road has a name or number. each town has a name. and each house has a number. if you are at house n° 100, you can go back to n° 50 or forward to n° 150. you can look at the signposts for directions. and you can look at your atlas for the structure of the roads in detail. in other words, it is easy to navigate the
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