are no more. you can see it for yourselves in our own time.
yet this is not the whole picture. to preserve the sanctity of life, we must sometimes risk it. sometimes there is no other way to defend our citizens than to fight for their lives, for their safety and freedom. this is the creed of every democratic state.
in the state of israel, from which i come today; in the israel defense forces, which i have had the privilege to serve, we have always viewed the sanctity of life as a supreme value. we have never gone to war unless a war was forced on us.
the history of the state of israel, the annals of the israel defense forces, are filled with thousands of stories of soldiers who sacrificed themselves —— who died while trying to save wounded comrades; who gave their lives to avoid causing harm to innocent people on their enemy's side.
in the coming days, a special commission of the israel defense forces will finish drafting a code of conduct for our soldiers. the formulation regarding human life will read as follows, and i quote:
'in recognition of its supreme importance, the soldier will preserve human life in every way possible and endanger himself, or others, only to the extent deemed necessary to fulfill this mission. 'the sanctity of life, in the point of view of the soldiers of the israel defense forces, will find expression in all their actions.'
for many years ahead —— even if wars come to an end, after peace
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