estinian-israeli agreement, to continue their good initiative, which started from oslo and reached washington and cairo. oslo, as well as the names of the other states that have been hosting the multilateral talks, will remain shining names linked to the peace of the courageous. i also urge all countries, foremost of which are the donor countries, to make their contributions quickly to enable the palestinian people to overcome their economic and social problems, to rebuild themselves and to establish their infrastructure. peace cannot grow and the peace process cannot be entrenched unless their necessary material conditions are met.
i then urge my partners in peace to view the peace process in a comprehensive and strategic way. confidence alone cannot make peace, but only recognizing the rights, together with confidence, can make peace. encroaching on rights generates a sense of injustice, keeps the fire under the ashes, and will push peace to a dangerous point and toward quicksand that may destroy it. we view peace as a strategic option, rather than a tactical option influenced by temporary calculations of loss and profit. the peace process is not only a political one, but also an integrated process in which national awareness and economic, scientific and technological development play an important role. the interaction of cultural, social and creative elements also play basic roles in strengthening the peace process.
i view all this as i recall the diffi
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