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our children will play with their children and will compete in picking flowers. now, i have a sense of national and human pride in my palestinian arab people's patience and sacrifice, through which they have established an uninterrupted link between the homeland, history and the people, adding to the old legends of the homeland an epic of hope. for them, for the children of those good-natured and tough people, who are made of oaks and dews, of fire and sweat, i present this nobel prize, which i will carry to our children, who have a promise of freedom, security and safety in a homeland not threatened by an invader from outside or an exploiter from inside.

  i know, mr. chairman, that this highly indicative prize has not been granted to me and my partners, israel's prime minister yitzhak rabin and foreign minister shimon peres, to crown a mission that we have fulfilled, but to encourage us to complete a path which we have started with larger strides, deeper awareness, and more honest intentions. this is so we can transfer the option of peace, the peace of the brave, from words on paper to practices on the ground, and so we will be worthy of carrying the message that both our peoples and the world and human conscience have asked us to carry. like their arab brethren, the palestinians, whose cause is the guardian of the gate of the arab-israeli peace, are looking forward to a comprehensive, just and durable peace on the basis of land for peace and compliance with intern

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