亚西尔·阿拉法特(yasser arafat)是巴勒斯坦民族解放运动的发起者,一位出色的民族领袖,也是20世纪的一位重要历史人物。正是在他的带领之下,巴勒斯坦民族解放斗争成为国际政治中的倍受关注的重大事件之一。为了表彰阿拉法特为和平做出的贡献,1993年9月,联合国教科文组织授予他“博瓦尼和平奖”。1994年,他与以色列总理拉宾、外长佩雷斯共同获得该年的诺贝尔和平奖。
in the name of god, the merciful, the compassionate. but if the enemy incline toward peace, do thou also incline toward peace, and trust in god.
your majesties,
chairman of nobel prize,
ladies and gentlemen
since my people entrusted me with the hard task of searching for our lost home, i have been filled with warm faith that those who carried their keys in the diaspora as they carry their own limbs, and that those who endured their wounds in the homeland and maintained their identity will be rewarded by return and freedom for their sacrifices. i have also been filled with faith that the arduous trek on the long path of pain will end in our home's yard.
as we celebrate together the first sight of the crescent of peace, i, at this podium stare into the open eyes of the martyrs within my conscience. they ask me about the national soil and their vacant seats there. i conceal my tears from them and tell them: how true you were; your generous blood has enabled us to see the holy land and to take our first steps in a difficult battle, the battle of peace, the peace of the brave.
as we celebrate together, we invoke the powers of creativity within us to reconstruct a home destroyed by war, a home overlooking our neighbor's, where
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