alia 2002” delighted shanghai citizens, chinese performing artists had their debut in the famous sydney opera house. in recent years, people-to-people exchanges between china and australia have grown rapidly with annual visits well over 100 thousand. china is now the biggest source country of foreign students in australia. we should continue to expand our cultural exchanges, giving fuller play to culture's role as the bridge and bond in the building of friendship between the two countries and two peoples.
fourth, in security, they should strengthen mutual trust, cooperate on an equal footing and endeavour to maintain peace.
peace and development remain the dominant theme of our times. uncertainties undermining world peace and development are on the increase. traditional and non-traditional threats to security are mixed together, rendering some regions unstable and turbulent. terrorism attacks from time to time, and cross-boundary crime has become more pronounced. how to meet these challenges, secure peace and development in the world and create a stable and harmonious homeland for all is a critical question that calls for serious consideration and effective solution.
china advocates a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation and strives to resolve disputes peacefully through dialogue and cooperation. we believe in democracy in international relations. the affairs of the world should be handled through
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