g permitted under laws which were passed long before the commencement of the contest; our citizens have traded equally with both, and their commerce with each has been alike protected by the government.
respecting the attitude which it may be proper for the united states to maintain hereafter between the parties, i have no hesitation in stating it as my opinion that the neutrality heretofore observed should still be adhered to. from the change in the government of spain and the negotiation now depending, invited by the cortes and accepted by the colonies, it may be presumed, that their differences will be settled on the terms proposed by the colonies. should the war be continued, the united states, regarding its occurrences, will always have it in their power to adopt such measures respecting it as their honor and interest may require.
shortly after the general peace a band of adventurers took advantage of this conflict and of the facility which it afforded to establish a system of buccaneering in the neighboring seas, to the great annoyance of the commerce of the united states, and, as was represented, of that of other powers. of this spirit and of its injurious bearing on the united states strong proofs were afforded by the establishment at amelia island, and the purposes to which it was made instrumental by this band in 1817, and by the occurrences which took place in other parts of florida in 1818, the details of which in both instances are too well kn
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