andon. they have claims on the magnanimity and, i may add, on the justice of this nation which we must all feel. we should become their real benefactors; we should perform the office of their great father, the endearing title which they emphatically give to the chief magistrate of our union. their sovereignty over vast territories should cease, in lieu of which the right of soil should be secured to each individual and his posterity in competent portions; and for the territory thus ceded by each tribe some reasonable equivalent should be granted, to be vested in permanent funds for the support of civil government over them and for the education of their children, for their instruction in the arts of husbandry, and to provide sustenance for them until they could provide it for themselves. my earnest hope is that congress will digest some plan, founded on these principles, with such improvements as their wisdom may suggest, and carry it into effect as soon as it may be practicable.
europe is again unsettled and the prospect of war increasing. should the flame light up in any quarter, how far it may extend it is impossible to foresee. it is our peculiar felicity to be altogether unconnected with the causes which produce this menacing aspect elsewhere. with every power we are in perfect amity, and it is our interest to remain so if it be practicable on just conditions. i see no reasonable cause to apprehend variance with any power, unless it proceed from a violation of
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