created and our jurisdiction and laws extended over them. as our population has expanded, the union has been cemented and strengthened. as our boundaries have been enlarged and our agricultural population has been spread over a large surface, our federative system has acquired additional strength and security. it may well be doubted whether it would not be in greater danger of overthrow if our present population were confined to the comparatively narrow limits of the original thirteen states than it is now that they are sparsely settled over a more expanded territory. it is confidently believed that our system may be safely extended to the utmost bounds of our territorial limits, and that as it shall be extended the bonds of our union, so far from being weakened, will become stronger.
none can fail to see the danger to our safety and future peace if texas remains an independent state or becomes an ally or dependency of some foreign nation more powerful than herself. is there one among our citizens who would not prefer perpetual peace with texas to occasional wars, which so often occur between bordering independent nations? is there one who would not prefer free intercourse with her to high duties on all our products and manufactures which enter her ports or cross her frontiers? is there one who would not prefer an unrestricted communication with her citizens to the frontier obstructions which must occur if she remains out of the union? whatever is good or evil in t
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